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Fellowship databases:

Grapes Database:
A great database of funding information that lists the most well-known fellowships and postdocs in the field. Run by UCLA Graduate Division.

Office of Research Support (Duke University):
Yet another useful database listing well-known postdocs and fellowships in humanities. Some overlap with Grapes Database. I find that it's best to use both search engines to find the most relevant grants.

Conferences and CFPs:

UPenn CFP list:
This site (run by University of Pennsylvania) lists calls for papers in any field related to literature. If you've written a great paper but aren't sure when and where to present it, you might take a look here. Sometimes there are also cfps pertaining to publications - journals will put out calls for papers on particular subjects, and editors of essay collections sometimes do so, too. http://cfp.english.upenn.edu/

The big kahuna of literature conferences – very selective. You can go there to present a paper, plus most initial job interviews are held there. Try to attend at least once before you go on the market, even if you don’t present a paper.

Conference on College Composition and Communication (4Cs):
The largest rhet/comp conference in the country. WSU students frequently attend.

Computers and Writing:
Another rhet/comp conference highly recommended by Kristin Arola.

Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association is the West Coast branch of the MLA. They run a great annual conference where you should think about presenting a paper. Some years it's held in Washington. Incidentally, my best friend at UCLA is the webmaster of this page!

The Rocky Mountain Branch of the Modern Language Association. Like PAMLA, RMMLA holds an annual conference that attracts many WSU grad students.

PNASA (Pacific Northwest American Studies Association):
Usually held within driving distance of WSU, this conference is a great venue for your first conference presentation.

Job Listings:

MLA Job Information List (JIL):
The JIL comes out once a year in mid-September, listing most of the job openings in English literature around the country and in Canada (as well as a few overseas positions). You need a password to access the list - this will be provided in class.
http://www.mla.org/jil OR http://www.ade.org

The Chronicle of Higher Education:
The Chronicle has great articles about higher education in the U.S. More importantly, perhaps, they also list jobs in English lit. Usually they list the same jobs you will find on JIL, but not always, so it's good to search both.

Council of Writing Program Administrators:
This site lists jobs in writing program administration, rhetoric and composition.

Higher Ed Jobs:
Occasionally this site may list jobs before the JIL comes out. A good source for positions the MLA list generally doesn’t include, such as two-year jobs and Community College jobs.

UK Jobs:
Sites for working abroad. Note that Canadian universities are often in the MLA, and do have citizenship preferences (though they aren’t exclusionary).
http://www.jobs.thes.co.uk, http://www.jobs.ac.uk, http://www.universityaffairs.ca/careers/index.html

Resources on Scholarly Publishing

On Publishing:

Guidelines and Tips

Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ)
Guidelines under "Author Support"
"Chat with an Editor" service at MLA

Handbook for Academic Authors, by Beth Luey, 4th ed. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002)

Guidelines: "Advice for Authors, Reviewers, Publishers, and Editors of Scholarly Books and Articles"

Finding Venues:

American Literature Association (and similar organizations)

"Calls for Papers” (CFP) at University of Pennsylvania’s Department of English

List of linked member journals
Individual journals: mission statements, calls for special issue contributions, and so on in issues and on Web sites

On Training, Internship, and Job Possibilities:

Arizona State University, Scholarly Publishing Program

Association of American University Presses (AAUP)—job list

Association of Departments of English (ADE)
http://www.ade.org [requires department ID and password]

Chronicle of Higher Education

Copy Editor (newsletter from McMurry Publishing)

Journalist USA

Pacific Lutheran University, Publishing and Printing Arts Program

Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)
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